Dawn of a New Hobby

I’ve always admired calligraphy. It’s so elegant and pretty. It’s also rather intimidating to get into, since you need special pens, good handwriting, and lots of practice. One thing I’ve experimented with is faux calligraphy, which can be done with a normal pen or pencil; today, I moved onto the next step up: brush pen lettering.

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A Birthday Card

The constant question: use one of the three-million-and-one cards I’ve collected, or make my own? For everyday mail, the question usually comes down to how inspired I am in the moment. After all, the collection of eccentric and/or fun stationary deserves some use too. But birthday cards make that question easy. Time to draw, of course! The first draft:

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Mother’s Day Crochet (And pattern links!)

The thing about surprise crochet for a family member is that it means a lot of time holed up alone in my room. And more than a few awkward moments when a helpful parent pokes their head in and I, with guilty haste, hide what I’m holding, in my lap or behind my back. Over the two weeks and who-knows-how-many-hours it took me to put this together, I’ve watched all six seasons of Jeeves and Wooster on Youtube and listened through a thirteen hour audio book. Yikes. (The Amulet of Samarkand has an excellent narrator, by the way.)

But the results? Totally worth it.

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Happy Mother’s Day!

Happy mother’s day to all you amazing moms out there!


And here’s a picture of the complete gift that was waiting on the table for my own awesome mother this morning… and a sneak peak of the next upcoming post! Next post we’ll look at the whole, unpacked, basket of crochet, plus links to a whole bunch of free patterns I used that’ll work up in a day or less.